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Re: [MacPerl] First Steps - Scripts On HTTP Server

BTW I think this question belongs more in the "MacPerl-AnyPerl" list.

On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:47:10 +1000, Peta Adams / John Murray wrote:

>The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable
>to complete your request.

(You did transfer the script in Ascii mode, I hope? The path in the "#!"
line is correct?)

Typically, either your script ran, but you didn't provide the necessary
content-type header, or (more likely) it didn't run. It could even be a
syntax error.

Try temporarily putting this code at the start of the script:

		print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
		open STDERR,'>&STDOUT';

This will send Perl's syntax error messages etc. to the browser. It sure
will help debugging scripts on a remote webserver. Remove the line if it
looks like it will work.


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