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[MacPerl] Mac_XS distribution up on MacPerl Pages

The tutorial on building XS-based extensions for MacPerl is now available
from the MacPerl Pages, at:


You can peruse the basic tutorial itself, in HTML, or download a
comprehensive set of tools, examples and the tutorial itself in 3 forms -

This is version 1.0. As user comments arrive, there will likely be a
version 2.0 sometime towards the fall. I'll try to act on bug reports
expeditiously, though.

A mini-tutorial on SWIG and integrating MacF2C with all of this is also on
the way. But don't hold your breath - I have some other irons in the fire
at the moment. :-)

Many thanks to Alan Fry for a really superlative job on the h2xs GUI
script, and the amount of time he's put in on Apple MPW. Same goes to
Larry Moore, who's got more patience than I do. :-)

Finally, thanks to Vicki Brown for giving this thing a home.

As an aside, the Tutorials section in the MacPerl Pages Contributions
department is looking for more tenants. :-)

Arved Sandstrom

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