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Re: [MacPerl] MPPE Mailing list

At 23:35 -0400 07/12/1999, Richard Gordon wrote:
>> such a list a good idea?
>Well, yes, but...

I'll come back to this one :-)

>Frankly, despite all of your hard work, I've yet to see the point in 
>maintaining separate lists to begin with. I know that Matthias has 
>the final say and wants the MacPerl list to be MacPerl-centric, but 
>I'll suggest that it is counter-productive to have more than one 
>list for Mac users of Perl, whether the threads deal with MacPerl or 
>not, viz.:

A buncha people said they didn't want to see, hear, or talk about 
CGI, at all, anywhere, thankyouverymuch. I wasn't one of them but 
they were very clear about that, so... we made a separate CGI list.

We expected the -porters list to be _very_ small (mostly Matthias and Chris :-)

We expected the -toolbox and -modules lists to be fairly low traffic 
because few people talk much about those in depth but we did not 
think that the majority of people wanted to hear about these topics 
much at all.

Some list members got annoyed when MacPerl users asked non-Mac (Perl) 
questions, but clp-misc isn't an option for many so we created 
macperl-anyperl (expected traffic low).

Some list members got annoyed when MacPerl users started non-Perl 
(Mac) discussions (e.g. discussions of Mac OS X or Apple's future, or 
Steve Job's reasons or...),  so we created macperl-forum (expected 
traffic low).

Kind of like we're all at the same party but if you want to discuss 
politics you've got to go into the back bedroom to do it.

-announce is for people who don't want to talk and only want to know 
if something really important has happened in the community.

Anyone who is subscribed to any of the MacPerl lists can _post_ to 
any of the others at any time. Remember to mention that you want a 
personal Cc: because you don't subscribe to that list/digest.

It's nothing for me to create more lists :-) The first one is 98% of 
the work. The others are trivial. These days I maintain 24 lists on 4 
virtual hosts (it should be 25 lists but we haven't gotten around to 
that 25th one yet :-). Anybody want a mailing list? :-)

Membership by list:

  Members   List

      212   macperl-announce
       94   macperl-anyperl
       87   macperl-forum
       82   macperl-modules
       54   macperl-porters
       81   macperl-toolbox
      113   macperl-webcgi
      662   macperl
     1385   total

Macperl-all is a "pseudolist" comprised of a uniqued merge of all 
list subscriber addresses (merge done once a night).

      985 macperl-all

This indicates that not everyone is subscribed to every list and that 
apparently a third of the subscriber base is not subscribed to the 
general discussion list for whatever reason. However, roughly half of 
the total subscribers are subscribed to more than one list. (37% of 
all statistics are made up on the spot; someone check my math :-)

I don't think we have a problem. Most of the lists are fairly quiet 
(so belonging doesn't weight down anyone's mailbox). But that's my 
opinion (and I must admit to a certain amount of bias :-)

About the proposed mppe list.  Reasons I think it might be nice:
    1) specific discussion about the book for those who have the book
    2) those who _don't_ have the book (egad! :) don't have to be bothered
       by the discussion
    3) it would put a lot of the discussions of examples, errata, and things
       readers wished were different in a place where the authors and the
       editor could get to them easily.

    If it doesn't go anywhere... it didn't fly.  Is it worth a try?
Standard subscription rules: mailto:mppe-request@macperl.org
message BODY the word

- Vicki

-- --
        |\      _,,,---,,_       Vicki Brown <vlb@cfcl.com>
  ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_   Journeyman Sourceror: Scripts & Philtres
       |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'  P.O. Box 1269  San Bruno  CA  94066
      '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) http://www.cfcl.com/~vlb  http://www.macperl.com

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