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Re: [MacPerl] What am I not seeing?

>Vicki asks:
>I'm surprised no one else is reporting similar historical
>phenomena, but then maybe I'm just an incredibly sloppy
With a prior version of MP i remember having that problem using BBEdit Lite
4. It was just a good way to going mad, because it was not any  clear
reason. Just moving (or removing) a code line or a comment did correct the

Such a problem did occur again with a "blank space" making nothing in MP
5.1.9r4, but having unexpected consequence on my ISP Sun Solaris server
running Perl 5.004. Actualy it was a typo error because that blank space
was not suposse to exist in a clean code.
It seem that MP is "sometime" very tolerant with error in scripting and
"sometime" not :-)



                                       Jean-Michel MEYER
                                  Journaliste - Photographe

                  "Pourquoi les chameaux ne sourient jamais ?"

Perlish :-)

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