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[MacPerl] macperlbug database online

First, thanks much to Richard Foley for all of his work on the perlbug
database, and his work with us to get it working for our needs.

The perlbug database now has MacPerl support.  That is, a post sent to
macperlbug@perl.org, or to perlbug@perl.org with osname=MacOS, is tagged as
a macos bug, and is sent to macperl-porters instead of perl5-porters.
Replies and discussion of each bug on macperl-porters is tracked in the
perlbug database, too.

It is all the same database that is used by perl5-porters, there is just a
field for OS to separate out MacPerl-specific bugs.  This allows us to
track regular perl bugs, and to assign MacPerl bugs to be non-MacPerl bugs
as warranted, etc.

So, how does it work?  To get a generic overview, and to search the
database, go to:


To send a bug report, it is best to use the new perlbug program with
perl5.005_61, which has been ported to play nice with MacPerl.  I added one
extra bit of code to that version to send to the macperl-porters address,
and posted it at:


I'll send the new version into p5p soon, so it should be included in the
next release of perl.  If you think there should be changes to that version
of perlbug, let me know, send me a patch, whatever.

Note that perlbug on MacPerl requires the ExtUtils::MM_MacOS that comes
with cpan-mac, which also requires Mac::AppleEvents::Simple.  Best bet is
to just install the latest cpan-mac.


Don't forget to set your EDITOR env var to the creator ID of your favorite
editor, if you like.

To see bugs come in, search the database regularly, or feel free to join


Let me know (on macperl or macperl-porters) any concerns or problems you
have, and feel free to start submitting your bug reports about MacPerl
(anything that comes with MacPerl, including toolbox modules,
documentation, installer, etc.).  Then the porters can make sure we fix
everything we can for the next release (someday), and everyone can check
the database to see if a bug is already noted, and what has been said about

Have fun,

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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