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Re: [MacPerl] Problem in installing Mac::Glue END.

>At 14:53 +0100 1999.08.30, mjm wrote:
>>I did instal again from the begin and it works properly, even if actually,
>>when i drag&drop "Compléments de Pilotage:Dialectes:Dialecte anglais"
>>("Scripting Additions:Dialects:English dialect") on the dropplet
>>"gluedialect" i get in feedback :
>># Use of uninitialized value.
>>File 'speedy-gonzalez:mjm-copie24/01/99:MacPerl
>>Ÿ:site_perl:Mac:AETE:Dialect.pm'; Line 114
>># No Resource Fork available for
>>File 'Dev:Pseudo'; Line 51
>>and create the expected "Mac:Glue:Glues:dialects:Dialecte_anglais" and
>>"Mac:Glue:Glues:dialects:Dialecte_anglais.pod" files.
>Hm.  I'll try to figure it out.
>>Anyway it works ! When i drop app on "macglue" i get the two same type of
>Excellent.  Do the test scripts work?

It works fine, thank you.


I try now to write a dropplet which from an updatated FMP4 database, create
two new derivated database for ours web sites (one french, the second
english), create some text file for shtml using ssi after some sorting, and
then put all that junk to the web sites, when i drink my coffee.

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