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[MacPerl] new distributions

First, I have released two new binary builds, Storable 0.6@4 and Digest-MD5
2.09.  They are making their way around CPAN mirrors now.  I am hoping
against hope that Storable might now magically work with CFM68K.  The Brave
Larry Moore will let us know (please, Larry, save your work first :).

I have also released a new Mac::AppleEvents::Simple 0.72 with some
bugfixes.  The ability to do remote targeting is not included.

All three of the above, plus some other fixes, are included in the new
cpan-mac 0.40, which also has other updated modules, two additions
(Mac::FileSpec::Unixish and MailTools [for perlbug, see next message]),
some other updates (Mac::Conversions, URI), and improved feedback in the

Finally, I have released Mac::Glue 0.51, with very minor changes to the
core, but doc fixes in Mac::AETE::Format::Glue, and improved feedback in
the droplets.

cpan-mac includes the first three, so you don't need to get them
separately.  You need cpan-mac for Mac::Glue, and you need
Mac::AppleEvents::Simple 0.72 for Mac::Glue 0.51.  So the recommended way
to do this is to install cpan-mac 0.40, then Mac::Glue 0.51.

As always, thanks, and let me know if there are any problems.  I think I
addressed everything that I could, according to feedback I've gotten.  I am
thinking of releasing Mac::Glue as 1.00 soon, so get your feedback in.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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