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Re: [MacPerl] GUSI and mime converting

The problem as I see it is thus:

> require "GUSI.ph";
> unless (@ARGV) {

This section will prompt the user for a file if @ARGV is undefined/empty, which
is always the case when running the script (as opposed to a droplet).  If the
above line is true (i.e. no @ARGV) then the foreach below will never execute
because @ARGV is never populated.  Try adding the code indicated below.

>      $prompt = "Select a file...";
>      $default = "Wild Colonials:Desktop Folder:";
>      $file = MacPerl::Choose(&GUSI::AF_FILE, 0, $prompt,
>           &GUSI::pack_sa_constr_file(@types),
>           ($default ? &GUSI::CHOOSE_DEFAULT : 0),$default);
             push @ARGV, $file;
> }
> foreach $file (@ARGV) {
>      print "\n","###############\n", $file, "\n";
>      print join "/", reverse MacPerl::GetFileInfo(@ARGV);
>      print "\n###############\n";
>      $type = MacPerl::Ask('Type?');
>      if ($type eq 'die') {die "\n####################\n"}
>      if ($type eq 'list') {
>           mime_list();
>           goto BEGINNING;
>      }
>      if ($type eq 'list all') {
>           mime_list_all();
>           goto BEGINNING;
>      }
>      mime_print();
>      $creator = MacPerl::Ask($type.'/Creator?');
>      MacPerl::SetFileInfo($creator, $type, $file);
>      print "\n####################\n";
> }

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