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Re: [MacPerl] GUSI and mime converting

At 23:38 -0400 1999.09.01, Ronald J Kimball wrote:
>On Wed, Sep 01, 1999 at 07:46:13PM -0700, Brian McNett wrote:
>> Just offa da toppa my head:
>> > unless (@ARGV) {
>> you might explicitly test for defined:
>> unless defined(@ARGV)
>> Not that I really expect this to make any difference, mind you.
>In fact, it's almost certainly the wrong thing to do.  perlfunc
>specifically warns against using defined() on aggregates -- i.e. entire
>hashes or arrays -- because the behavior is counter-intuitive and subject
>to change in a future version of perl.

perl 5.6 (in development) currently has a warning (mandatory warning, I
think, but I do not recall offhand) if you use defined() on aggregates
(hashes and arrays).

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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