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Re: [MacPerl] new distributions

At 09:02 -0400 2/09/1999, Chris Nandor wrote:
>First, I have released two new binary builds, Storable 0.6@4...  I am
>hoping against hope that Storable might now magically work with CFM68K.
>...(please, Larry, save your work first :).

ok 1.. 15
# External_HD:Attachments:Storable-0.6@4-bin-1-Mac:t:tied.t syntax OK

1..6 then an Error of type 1

ok 1 2 and then an Error of type 1

ref: $root = thaw($f1);
     print "not " unless defined $root;
     print "ok 3\n";

ok 1 2 and then an error of type 1

ok 1 2 and then an error of type 1

ref: $root = retrieve('t/store');
     print "not " unless defined $root;
     print "ok 3\n";

files t/store t/nstore were created .. I can send you copies if you'd like.

If I don't reset after each test, I get Error of type 10

Good news is that none of the tests froze nor blew up the system. Progress.

The world is one country and mankind, its citizens.

Larry Moore and Shirley Allan
Union Street West
Fergus ON Canada

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