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Re: [MacPerl] Character translation problem

> IF you are getting exactly this, you should be able to use the code from
> the $x2 case and clean up your data.  How exactly does this fail?

Well, when they post the data (via the web form) that contains curly quotes
or apostrophes, what actually gets sent via e-mail is:

... then “ADDRESS”. If access isn’t convenient ...

instead of

... then "ADDRESS". If access isn't convenient ...

So the code

$text =~ s/\xE2/\'/g;   #apostraphe
$text =~ s/\xE3/\"/g;   #opening double quote
$text =~ s/\xE4/\"/g;   #closing double quote

isn't catching the odd characters. I'm starting to suspect that the
characters I see (either via e-mail or getting the file with Fetch) aren't
actually what's in the file on the server.

My next step will be to get a new test file on the server and run a test on
it that outputs each letter and it's hex representation. I'll report what I
find out.

Steve Swantz

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