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Re: [MacPerl] Character translation problem

On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 02:32:38PM -0500, Steve Swantz wrote:
> So the code
> $text =~ s/\xE2/\'/g;   #apostraphe
> $text =~ s/\xE3/\"/g;   #opening double quote
> $text =~ s/\xE4/\"/g;   #closing double quote
> isn't catching the odd characters. I'm starting to suspect that the
> characters I see (either via e-mail or getting the file with Fetch) aren't
> actually what's in the file on the server.

That's what I was trying to suggest when I explained that the process of
transferring the file to the Unix server may have been changing those
characters.  Turns out I had it backwards, as you were transferring the
file _from_ the Unix server; nonetheless, I suspect that that transfer
process is changing the characters.  Solution:

> My next step will be to get a new test file on the server and run a test on
> it that outputs each letter and it's hex representation. I'll report what I
> find out.

That's how I would proceed too.


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