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Re: [MacPerl] Character translation problem

At 14:32 -0500 1999.09.14, Steve Swantz wrote:
>isn't catching the odd characters. I'm starting to suspect that the
>characters I see (either via e-mail or getting the file with Fetch) aren't
>actually what's in the file on the server.

Most likely.  Open up Fetch and check your prefs for ISO translation (in
mine, Customize:Preferences...:Misc:Translate ISO Characters).  If that is
checked, then it could be changing more than just newlines in text file

Unfortunately, Anarchie does this, and doesn't even allow you to turn it
off (last I checked).  It's really the only thing I don't like about

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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