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Re: [MacPerl] HTML Entities decoding

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, John W Baxter wrote:

> — is "Nonstandard" (and should be an en dash, with – being an em
> dash).
> In HTML 4, en-dash is –  (or, better, –) and em-dash is —
> (or, better, —).  I don't know how far back those go.
> See <http://w3c.org/TR/REC-html40/sgml/entities.html>
> then search for "dash"

Or you can pull the values out of the "UnicodeData.txt" file, which is a
nice big 456K text file. :-) Available off the Unicode website.

I've tried to start using these now, having a streak of pedanticism in me,
and if a browser shows garbage, so be it. :-)


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