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Re: [MacPerl] pod2html problems

On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, Fergus McMenemie wrote:

> >At 11:06 +0100 1999.09.14, Fergus McMenemie wrote:
> >>P.S. one of the really nice things about perl on NT is how transparently it
> >>handles the difference between the directory seperators used on UNIX and
> >>DOS. A pitty MacPerl cant do something similar.
> >
> All the comments are quite true and valid. However when I'm doing cross
> platform development filenames such as file "Expenses 7/99" are not an
> issue. I really like working on the Mac and its a pitty I have to go so far
> out of may way to make my scripts run on the Mac.
Windows NT may be transparently handling this stuff, but the effort
required to switch scripts over to accommodate MacOS for filenames is
pretty tiny. "Going far out of one's way" is what you have to do with
*Windows 9x* filenames - all those backslashes. :-)

Just trying to be fair...


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