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[MacPerl] errors on LWP

I'm writing a simple LWP script which grabs files off the net.  I'm trying
to be a good programmer, and handle the various boundary conditions (silly

Note I am doing this on a Mac...

When my machine is not connected to the Internet, printing the
HTTP::Response -> error_as_HTML message gives me something like this
(stripping off the unneeded HTML):

500 Too many files open

Am I the only one who thinks this message is a little wacky under the
circumstances?  (BTW, it seems to work correctly if the connection is up.)

I hoped to be able to display a message saying something like "The network
is currently unavailable."  Perhaps pause-and-retries if the server
was busy or not responding, and another message if the server could not be

If I want understandable error messages, do I have to use the
Mac-specific calls, and forego the simplicity and cross-platconformity
(sorry:) of LWP?  Or would I get gibberish even then?


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