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Re: [MacPerl] MacPerl, DB, and Japanese

  |>Here is briefly what I want to do:
  |>  1. create a relational (possible flat if I have to) DB of Japanese grammar
   and equivalent English
  |>  2. use Perl to take the entries and parse information to generate HTML pages

Sorry, but I did not fully understand you 
What does Japanese Grammer actually mean?...If you are going to write some
Natural-language-parser you rather want to look for Patricia-trees than
B-Trees etc. pp. 
If you could give some examples and information about the size of your
database it would be easier to answer your questions.
Anyway be carefull if you use SJIS-Encoding inside your source-code. There
are many traps.

  |>You know -- me poor, me eat cheese and dogs alot.

Come over to Japan and your diet will change to chicken, because only
the rich have the money to buy cheese:-)

  |>I would use FM to create the database but I only own an English version.
  |>It cannot really handle Japanese.  

The Japanese FM version cannot handle Japanese that good as well. The
only difference between FM-E and FM-J is that you cannot edit Japanese
entries well in the English version. Searching etc. seems to work on both versions 
in the same way (Filemaker 1, 2 and 4--Never tried 3): IT SUCKS!

  |>I am not sure what to use to create this database.  I have experience with
  |> FM but not too much with SQL, ODBC< JDBC, et cetera. 

Dont trust FM but the English version is not worse than the Japanese. You can
write CSV-Files and import them to Filemaker-E. If you are going to use Unix
Databases like PostgreSQL be sure to apply the J-patches to get them work
for Japanese (EUC-JP). 

  |>Books, online sources, or other you can suggest would be a 
  |>real help to me.  Thanks!

"CJKV Information Processing" by Ken Lunde
#Some call it the "Bible of CJKV-Computing"
#A lot of Perl sourcecode in the Appendix

# ftp for [1]
# Nice pdf-files which explain the basics of CJKV-processing with perl

Nihongo Computing mailinglist
# Mailinglist for "everything Japanese-computing". Participants seem to
# be mostly E<->JP translators but the discussions have a very wide range
# from Basic Windows(J) to morphological parsers (sometimes Perl).

A lot of books and articles written in Japanese but I am not sure what you 
are looking for.

Greetings from sunny Tokyo

Andreas Marcel Riechert

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