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[MacPerl] Web application servers and the future of Perl


I am starting a online group for women scripters and one of the topics
we cover is Perl, as well as other scripting (including fluffy HTML).

There seems to be a lot of talk/pressure of going into web app servers
because the performance is allegedly better than writing straight Perl
scripts. Is this really true?

I am quite skeptical because every 3 months there is a new technology
that is supposed to make everything better faster, whatever. And from
what I can tell the API stuff isn't open, but proprietary, which just
means to me that it is a last ditch effort to distract people from the
openness of Perl, and charge people money for something they can get for free.

Is this a real issue to look at or should I just concentrate on learning
my Perl?

Some of us are Mac, some are PC, some are UNIX in my group. One person
in particular is looking at PerlScript, which seems to be the evil
side's rendition of Perl. (see http://www.perlscripters.com).

Thanks in advance!

aka madame philosophe ;)	|	mp@mkt2spamisbadmkt.com
artist and scriptwrangler	|	http://www.mkt2mkt.com

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