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Re: [MacPerl] Web application servers and the future of Perl

My two cents. . .

I have being working at creating a generalized set of scripts to maintain
various sites.  And while I am not familar with web app servers per se, I
have used high-end GUI interface apps such as Fusion and currently
DrumBeat 2000.

I would say it all depends on the scale that you want to do things.  I use
the PERL scripts to maintain certain sites (500-1000 page sites).  I can
either have the sites pre-generated or dynamically generated using SSI.

I use Fusion and DrumBeat2000 when either I am handing the project off to
a complete neophyte or do not want to waste time developing a complete
database app, esp. when there already exists one that I can use.

I prefer hosting my sites on UNIX so for the most part using PERL scripts
seems appropiate, too.  Performance is good if not great.  It is easy
as all I need is a telnet session to do most if not all my work!  Low

CFD Laboratory, GUG             http://www.aa.washington.edu/cfdlab
University of Washington
  Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics          Plasma Sciences
  Department of Technical Communications                   Japanese


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