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Re: [MacPerl] Droplet and freestanding

>I use this horrid process to make sure I've got everything :-)
>	Save your script as a standalone applet.
>	Include modules you know it uses, as TEXT resources in the
>	  applet using ResEdit or Resourcerer (name the resources
>	  after the file, e.g. "Socket.pm").
>	Try running the applet.
>	Include the module you missed.
>	Try running applet.
>	Include the module you missed.
>	...
>	Until the applet stops complaining.

Ouch!  This is completely unnecessary!  Michael Ziege has created a nice 
little MacPerl app called "RuntimeBuilder", which does this all for you!  
You should be able to find it on the MacPerl Pages 


Just drag your script onto the RuntimeBuilder icon, and you're done!

MacPerl required of course (PowerPC only, unfortunately).


# Brian McNett                                      Fungal Parataxonomy
# Webmaster, Staff Writer               Mycology Information (Mycoinfo)
#                              **The World's First Mycology E-Journal**   
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# First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you.
# Then you win.                                     --Mohandas Gandhi

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