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Re: [MacPerl] Web application servers and the future of Perl

At 11:07 -0400 1999.09.29, Nathaniel Irons wrote:
>On 9/29/99 at 10:12 AM, pudge@pobox.com (Chris Nandor) wrote:
>... on the subject of WebObjects, has anyone ever given WOPerl a shot?
>It's supposed to make perl available for WO development, but tiptopsoft
>doesn't want to answer my questions, and I haven't yet met a user.

Rich Morin and I met the tiptop folks at WWDC in 1998 and saw a demo of
their Objective Everything, but I don't know what they have been doing in
the last year.  I don't think their site has changed much in the last year,

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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