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Re: [MacPerl] Web application servers and the future of Perl

On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Nathaniel Irons wrote:

> On 9/29/99 at 10:12 AM, pudge@pobox.com (Chris Nandor) wrote:
> > Absolutely not.  Depending on your definition of "straight Perl
> > scripts," of course.  As Creede notes, CGI can be slow.  So don't use
> > CGI!  Use mod_perl, FastCGI, Velocigen, ActiveState's PerlEx, etc. 
> > These all work like "app servers", some better than others.

I am noticing a steep learning curve in front of me. . .

Maybe I am naive -- wait, I am.  I have some scripts that run my
web-sites.  In my config.pl files I have a logical variable that when set
to true makes the entire become dynamic.  It is not that nifty!  Just that
the *.html files are all a single line SSI command to invokes the scripts 
and generates the page on the fly.  If the variable is false then all the
*.html files are pre-generated -- increasing the responsiveness of the
site and the expense of hard-drive space.

I am thinking of developing the scripts to handle both Japanese and
English.  And the beauty behind the idea is that a single cookie would
store a user's language preference.  If a page exists in their preferred
language then they will be served it.  If it does not exist then the
system just gives them the site's default language (English).  In this way
I do not need to have two sites (double the space).  Of course, I will
need to run the scripts on the fly as it were.

My quandry (sp?) is that I found a delay when I generate a page on the
fly.  I am sure some of it is due to poor programming.  But above is
mentioned some variants of Perl that I am not familar with.  I do not have
control over the installations of Perl on the machines but I could easily
install them on my local directory if necessary.  Can anyone help me
understand this?  I guess I just do not understand the portent of using


-- CFD Laboratory, GUG http://www.aa.washington.edu/cfdlab 
University of Washington
  Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics          Plasma Sciences
  Department of Technical Communications                   Japanese


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