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Re: [MacPerl] Web application servers and the future of Perl

On 9/29/99 at 10:12 AM, pudge@pobox.com (Chris Nandor) wrote:

> >There seems to be a lot of talk/pressure of going into web app
> >servers because the performance is allegedly better than writing
> >straight Perl scripts. Is this really true?
> Absolutely not.  Depending on your definition of "straight Perl
> scripts," of course.  As Creede notes, CGI can be slow.  So don't use
> CGI!  Use mod_perl, FastCGI, Velocigen, ActiveState's PerlEx, etc. 
> These all work like "app servers", some better than others.

I've never seen application servers pitched for their raw speed; in fact
that's the area where they all seem to tacitly acknowledge that they
fall down.  

App servers make sense in some aspects of collaborative development,
database abstraction, access to legacy databases, etc.  I think I like
WebObjects as a development environment, but I wouldn't tap it for raw

Philip Greenspun wrote a useful piece about one particular app server
and why it's no good for almost everyone:


... on the subject of WebObjects, has anyone ever given WOPerl a shot? 
It's supposed to make perl available for WO development, but tiptopsoft
doesn't want to answer my questions, and I haven't yet met a user.


Nat Irons                                           ndi@bumppo.net
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"The land we belong to, belongs to the bank."  -  Garrison Keillor

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