For those who care, here is the code I came up with. As I suspected, it was the LocationNameRec that was the problem ... I got the right PPCLocationKind and instead of an EntityName, then I use the new structure PPCAddrRec. This will be in a coming release of Mac::AppleEvents::Simple and Mac::Glue. sub pack_ppc { _pack_ppc('ppc', @_) } sub pack_eppc { _pack_ppc('eppc', @_) } sub _pack_ppc { my($type, $id, $name, $server, $zone) = @_; my %TargetID; $TargetID{sess} = ['l', 0]; # long sessionID $TargetID{name} = ['sca33sca33', # PPCPortRec name 0, # ScriptCode nameScript length($name), $name, # Str32Field name 2, # PPCPortKinds ppcByString length($id . 'ep01'), $id . 'ep01', # Str32 portTypeStr ]; if ($type eq 'ppc') { my $atype = 'PPCToolbox'; $zone ||= '*'; $TargetID{loca} = ['sca33ca33ca33', # LocationNameRec location 1, # PPCLocationKind ppcNBPLocation # EntityName length($server), $server, # Str32Field objStr length($atype), $atype, # Str32Field typeStr length($zone), $zone, # Str32Field zoneStr ]; } elsif ($type eq 'eppc') { $TargetID{loca} = ['ssssa*', # LocationNameRec location 3, # PPCLocationKind # ppcXTIAddrLocation # PPCAddrRec xtiType 0, # UInt8 Reserved (0) 2 + length($server), # UInt8 xtiAddrLen # PPCXTIAddress xtiAddr 42, # PPCXTIAddressType # kDNSAddrType $server # UInt8 fAddress[96] ]; } else { die "Type $type not recognized\n"; } my($format, @args, $targ); for (qw[sess name loca]) { my @foo = @{$TargetID{$_}}; $format .= shift @foo; push @args, @foo; } $targ = pack $format, @args; printf("> %s\n< %s\n\n", $targ, join("|", unpack $format, $targ)) if $DEBUG > 1; return $targ; } -- Chris Nandor %PGPKey = ('B76E72AD', [1024, '0824090B CE73CA10 1FF77F13 8180B6B6']) # ===== Want to unsubscribe from this list? # ===== Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to