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Re: [MacPerl] Porting an Inside Mac QuickDraw example routine

At 14.16 -0800 1999.11.11, Don Arbow wrote:
>If what people are after is a way to have an easy to use app framework and GUI
>builders with Perl capability, perhaps the best way to accomplish that is
>to use
>something like RealBasic.  Add some sort of shared lib module that
>contains Perl
>functionality that can be called from within RealBasic.  Let RealBasic
>handle the
>GUI and events, then call out to Perl to process text, rename files or
>serve web
>pages.  Much better division of labor.
>Just because Perl can do everything, should we try to make it do everything?

Yes.  Why?  Two reasons.  Because we want to, and because we can.  Of
course, if you'd rather link perl to RealBasic, feel free.  The reason we
have so many options is because different people like to do things
different ways.

Of course, there is one big problem with RealBasic you neglected to
mention: it costs $150 or $350, depending on whether you get the standard
or pro version.  To that I say "no thanks" and go along my merry way.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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