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Re: [FWP] Puzzle - Temp file creation

>>>>> "RLS" == Randal L Schwartz <merlyn@stonehenge.com> writes:

>>>>> "Chaim" == Chaim Frenkel <chaimf@pobox.com> writes:
Chaim> I never realized that the automagic increment checked for a pattern. But
Chaim> why should it? Why not simply increment what it finds. Or perhaps anchor
Chaim> it at the back?

RLS> How do you increment "a+b"?

RLS> Or "0.0"?

RLS> And watch it... that second one is tricky.  Because ($n = "0.0")++
RLS> already has a meaning.  And if you make the rules about magic too
RLS> broad, they start encroaching on real things.

I answered Vicki's mail, which either didn't have the last paragraph or
I overlooked it. 

You can save the reply. But in any event, that _does_ look like a number
and should be treated as such and not automagic.

The question is more of what to do with


This isn't a number in some sense. Yet, $a="1.2.3"; ++$a will end up
with 2.2. Though I'm hesitant if the correct answer should be "0.0.1" or

This should have some implications to automagic if the version numbers
(dotted numbers) are implemented.

Chaim Frenkel					     Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
chaimf@pobox.com				               +1-718-236-0183

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