1999-07-13-13:46:05 John Porter: > % perl > s/o/x/g; > Modification of a read-only value attempted at - line 1. >[...] > Oh, btw: I get identical results on 5_02 and 5_57. For whatever it's worth, I can't reproduce that with 5.005_03: ; perl -e 's/o/x/g;' ; perl -v |sed -n 2p This is perl, version 5.005_03 built for i386-linux ; uname -a;cat /etc/redhat-release Linux bentlap 2.3.9 #2 Thu Jul 8 14:06:16 EDT 1999 i586 unknown Red Hat Linux release 6.0 (Hedwig) ; -Bennett ==== Want to unsubscribe from Fun With Perl? Well, if you insist... ==== Send email to <fwp-request@technofile.org> with message _body_ ==== unsubscribe