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Re: [MacPerl-Porters] New MacPerl build system now available!

At 10:38 -0400 2/05/2000, Chris Nandor wrote:

>>is this significant?
>I think Matthias mentioned in mail to someone else (Peter, perhaps?) that
>it was not significant.
>Chris Nandor       |     pudge@pobox.com      |     http://pudge.net/
>Andover.Net        | chris.nandor@andover.net | http://slashcode.com/

:miniperl configpm

stops me. This command crashes, invokes macsbug (which will take no
orders,) and freezes. Have to cycle the power switch to get back in the
race.  Strange. Do you have any suggestions on how to isolate where the
problem is (can  I compile a DEBUG-enabled miniperl?)

"the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can
suppose" -  Haldane
Larry Moore  Fergus On Canada N1M 1V7 ljmoore@freespace.net

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