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Re: [MacPerl-Porters] On with the show; Volunteers Wanted!

Prymmer/Kahn <pvhp@best.com> writes:
>As far as the need to patch it looked to me that the most of
>MacPerl-patch-5.6.0 could go into perl 5.6.1 since the C and XS stuff
>is protected with #ifdef MACOS_TRADITIONAL and the perl stuff
>is protected with checks of $^O.  There is one chunk of the mod
>to POSIX.xs that might be problematic, and the mods to xsubpp look
>extensive.  At any rate the need to patch anything should eventually
>disappear shouldn't it?  Why not submit the patch to p5p?

That's precisely what I did two days ago (See my postings in p5p). I omitted
most of the xsubpp patches because I'll have to first write *documentation* for
the features they introduce as well. In any case, those might not get accepted
anytime soon.

In summary, I don't think there is any longterm need for any particular patch,
but it might well be that at any point in time, MacPerl could be slightly out
of sync with the perl distribution in a few spots, so I'd think that there's
always the possibility of a patch being included.


Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
   "These days, though, you have to be pretty technical before you can 
    even aspire to crudeness." -- William Gibson, _Johnny Mnemonic_

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