Dear Perl Hackers, I have written, a replacement for that comes with every perl. I wrote newtimelocal primarily because I wanted such timel ocal() (or timegm() or mktime()) that is compatible with that of C; The orig inal timelocal() checks ranges for mday and month, which is often pain in th e neck when you want to do something like; @now = localtime(); @now[4] -= 3; $threemonthago = timelocal(@now); To get the time of 3 month ago. timelocal() or mktime() of most C library, on the other hand, returns a proper value even when the argument is out of r ange. You can find the copy at The copy of contains pod so should suffice. For those who want to test, there is also available. If okay, I would like to have the original with mine or anyth ing analogous. Many expect to behave the same as that of C lib raries, as far as I browse comp.lang.perl.*; I, for one, would not have wri tten newtimelocal if the original behaved how I expected.... Dan the Man Lost in Time. P.S. I'm crossmailing this to both perl5-posters and mac-perl because the c urrent version of newtimelocal treats MacPerl specially because of the funny output of gmtime(0), which is used to find when Epoch is.