At 5:41 PM -0600 on 1/4/97, Scott Weaver wrote: }I really need help. } }I just updated both my 68K Mac and PPC Mac from 4.1.8 to 5.0.1r2. } }I thought it would be best to update my applications to the new }version. I have several applications that where written under }4.1.8 and saved as System 7 Runtime Version applications. They worked }fine and when I double click on them, they run. No problem. } }I installed 5.0.1r2 and moved 4.1.8 to the trash (did not empty trash, }made sure MacPerl was closed). On both systems I selected the "Install }Perl for this Mac" option. } }I then launched MacPerl (5.0.1r2) and opened one of my applications, }I then did a SAVE and exited MacPerl. I double clicked on the application }and nothing happened - as far as running the application that is. Someone should check the list archives to make sure, but I think I remember seeing on this list in the last month that this is a known bug, that runtimes don't work (or at least don't work on 68k), and this will be fixed in the upcoming next release. Do you really need to save these as runtimes? Saving as droplets not only works just fine but saves you the ~ 1Mb it takes to put a copy of MacPerl itself into your runtime. } }The menu bar changed to a MacPerl manu bar but that was it - the }script did not run. I noticed that the icon for the application was }no longer the generic application icon (paper with hand holding pencil), }but was the Perl Icon (Pyramid with camel). } }What have I done wrong? } }I tried starting from scratch. Closed everything. }Launched MacPerl 5.0.1r2 and picked MENU|NEW. }Typed: print "hello, world"; }Selected MENU|SAVE AS|RUNTIME VERSION named "test". }Exited MacPerl. }Double clicked "test" icon. }Same result - MacPerl menu bar, no application executed. } }Please help! } }TIA, }Scott Weaver } -------- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 693 Greenbelt, MD 20770