Hey all, if any of you have any comments on MacPGP.pm let me know soon. I am making some minor fixes and cleanups, and finishing up some BBEdit Extensions. These extensions will be VERY cool as soon as Bluto (BBEdit's mail program) comes out. True, there are already PGP extensions for BBEdit included with the MacPGP 2.6.3 distribution, but these extensions (which require the BBEdit.pm module) are flexible, being written in Perl and all. Anyway, I will probably be releasing the final version in a week or so, unless something else comes up. For those who don't have it and want to look at it, it is at: ftp://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/Chris_Nandor/ #================================================================ The Stones, I love the Stones. I watch them whenever I can. Fred, Barney... --Steven Wright Chris Nandor pudge@pobox.com PGP Key 1024/B76E72AD http://pudge.net/ Keyfingerprint = 08 24 09 0B CE 73 CA 10 1F F7 7F 13 81 80 B6 B6