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Re: [MacPerl] An Interesting Problem (cont) (fwd)

bart.mediamind@tornado.be (Bart Lateur) writes

>In short: I have added files of my own to the Lib folder. And I don't
>want to loose these when copying the new Perl over the old one!
>As you probably know (or you *should* know, anyway), the Mac deletes an
>entire folder before copying a folder with the same name to the old
>location. What I want, is that new files are added to the old folder,
>only replacing old files.
>	Bart.

The Preferences selection off MacPerl's Edit.. pulldown menu allows you to add
(and remove) paths to folders which will be searched for library files. You
should add your own library modules to a folder outside of the MacPerl
distribution folder.


Bob Wilkinson (Perl Programmer, Database Engineer, Systems Admin.)
Pindar plc, 60 Piccadilly, York, YO1 1NX, England, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1904 617547    Email: B.Wilkinson@pindar.com
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   I don't speak for my employer - er, they made me say that..

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