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Re: [MacPerl] An Interesting Problem (cont) (fwd)

bart.mediamind@tornado.be (Bart Lateur) writes:
}On Wed, 17 Sep 1997 13:27:19 -0500 (CDT), you wrote:
}>I'm also working on a
}>MacPerl install program which I can run after I've
}>unarchived the new version of MacPerl.
}I have been thinking about writing something like this myself. However,
}my reasons for doing this are slightly different.
}In short: I have added files of my own to the Lib folder. And I don't
}want to loose these when copying the new Perl over the old one!

"When I do this, it hurts, Doctor."
"Then don't do that!"

You know that you don't *have* to add files to the MacPerl lib folder,
right?  By using the library path, you can put files anywhere.  So what you
should do is have a folder for any additions that you add to MacPerl that's
completely outside the MacPerl tree.  Then you have no worries when you
upgrade MacPerl.

}As you probably know (or you *should* know, anyway), the Mac deletes an
}entire folder before copying a folder with the same name to the old
}location. What I want, is that new files are added to the old folder,
}only replacing old files.
}	Bart.
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Paul J. Schinder
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
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