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Re: [MacPerl] Help us help MacPerl ...

At 20:42 -0700 98/06/17, Jeff at MacTech wrote:
> I'm not sure if I will be able to attend, although I will if I can. Is
> there anything that those of us who attend can do to make our numbers
> apparent (if we are numerous...), so that O'Reilly will notice and maybe
> change there mind in future conferences?

It also probably would not hurt to send a note to the nice folks at
O'Reilly to the effect that you've been looking over the Conference
information and while you see several things that are aimed at Windows
users (e.g. the Win NT Admin tutorial, the Perl and Windows session...) you
don't see any sessions or presentations that mention Macs :-) There's this
Marketing theory that for everyone who takes the time to write, a certain
number more people (numbers vary from 100 to 1000 ;-) feel the same way but
did not take the time to write.

If you come, do be sure to attend the BOF, and to also be sure to write
things like "remember the MacPerl people", "where were the Mac sessions?"
and "I loved the MacPerl BOF!" on any evaluation forms you're given. ;-)

Matthias and Chris were originally supposed to give a talk on MacPerl
internals but it morphed into "Cross-platform Perl".  Rich & I submitted a
paper discussing how MacPerl and Mac tools can be used in conjunction with
Unix to make a better overall programming environment, but the paper wasn't
accepted.  We expect a little of both of these unrequited talks to surface
at the BOF :-)

Apparently the conference organizers made their determinations based on a
survey of last year's conference attendees where those surveyed were asked
to name their primary platform.  Results apparently were
       Macintosh: 9      Unix/Linux: 243       Windows 95/NT/3.x: 49
(out of ~ 1000 attendees...)

Chris & I have respectfully submitted our opinion that "what is your
primary platform" was not the most appropriate way to phrase the question

Think Mac (is that different?)

- Vicki
Vicki Brown, vlb@cfcl.com        |\      _,,,---,,_
Journeyman Sourceror      ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_
Scripts & Philtres             |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
http://www.cfcl.com/~vlb      '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)
P.O. Box 1269 San Bruno, CA  94066

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