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[MacPerl] Clipboard Transfer via AppleTalk

This uses the Clipboard.XFCN from online and on the MacPerl CD-ROM.  One
machine runs the server, the other a client that either sends the clipboard
to the other machine, or retrieves it.

#!perl -w
# clipboard_server.plx

package Dartmouth;

package main;
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
my($answer, $client, $server);

$server = IO::Socket::APPLETALK->new(
  Object  => 'ClipboardServer1',
  Listen  => 1,
) or die('Cannot start server');

while ($client = $server->accept()) {
  my $do = <$client>;
  my @data;
  while (<$client>) {
    last if /^END\n$/;
    push @data, $_;
  if ($do =~ /^Get/) {
    print $client "Sending:\n", Dartmouth::Clipboard();
  } else {
    Dartmouth::Clipboard(join('', @data));
    print $client "Saving:\n", @data;
  # exit;  # always run server?


#!perl -w
# clipboard_client.plx

package Dartmouth;

package main;
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
my($sock, $ask);

$ask = MacPerl::Answer('Send or Fetch Clipboard?', 'Send', 'Fetch', 'Cancel');
exit unless $ask;

$sock = IO::Socket::APPLETALK->new(
  Object => 'ClipboardServer1'
) or die('Cannot start client');

if ($ask == 1) {
  print $sock join("\n", "Get", "END"), "\n";
  my $reply = <$sock>;
  die "Bad reply: $reply" unless $reply eq "Sending:\n";
  Dartmouth::Clipboard(join('', <$sock>));
} elsif ($ask == 2) {
  print $sock join("\n", "Put", Dartmouth::Clipboard(), "END"), "\n";
  my $reply = <$sock>;
  die "Bad reply: $reply" unless $reply eq "Saving:\n";


Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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