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Re: [MacPerl] keyUp detection

David Seay writes Tue, 15 Dec 1998 22:36:49 -0600:

>In the following code I can detect 'keyDown', 'mouseDown', and 'mouseUp'
>but not 'keyUp'.
>What's up with that?

I can't see anything wrong with the code, and I agree with you, after much
tinkering, that it just doesn't work.

Timothy Knox <tdk@pitnet.net> adds:

>The MacOS global event filter strips out keyUp events. May I ask, what do
>you need them for? Or are you just curious as to why you are not getting
>There is a way to change the global event filter, to tell it to pass you
>all events, including keyUp events, but I don't have that reference
>handy. If you need it, I can look it up for you.

On the assumption something like this might be happening I tried the
'everyEvent' mask but still failed to get a 'keyUp' event through. IM says
you write "WaitnextEvent( --mask-- )" but is that how you do it in MacPerl
I wonder?

Alan Fry

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