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[MacPerl] Run Script


I'm trying to familiarize myself with MacPerl by working with a script
called w3mir (which used to be htget, a web site mirror maker) to see if I
can get it to work. I'm running into some early bumps that I haven't caught
mentioned in the archives or the faq or MacPerl for that matter.

I have the Scripts preferences set to Run. When I attempt to Run w3mir.pl I
get the following error in a dialog box:

"This file is too big to be edited in MacPerl. You may, however, either
save it as a MacPerl script or runtime or edit it with your external

However, the perl window shows:

# BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
File 'xyz:MacPerl Ä:w3mir-1.0.5:w3mir.PL'; Line 196

My gut feel is to believe the message just above. Is there something
obvious about the dialog box's behavior here or can I disregard it to get
to the heart of the matter, which is what the second error message talks


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