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[MacPerl] QuickTime 4.0

In case you didn't know, QT 4.0 is out.  I wrote an mp3 player in MacPerl
that uses QuickTime, which I have posted before (see

I didn't think it would work, but I tried streaming QuickTime in MacPerl,
and it worked!  Just use the scripts in ext/Mac/Movies and open a streaming
QuickTime file saved on your drive.  It will be a small file, about 8K,
that points to the file on the Internet.  I go to the streaming file and
view it in the browser and then do a Save As Movie ... from the plugin menu.

Also, if you are like me and you hate the new QuickTime Player's interface,
you can use the old Movie Player from QuickTime 2 or QuickTime 3 to play
movies, including streaming movies.

Very cool that Apple designed this so that all QuickTime-capable apps
inherit new features like this.

BTW, if you hate the new QuickTime Player interface, you can "sign" a
petition to get it changed.  This isn't over: Sherlock II and other
features of Mac OS will be using this interface, which I find horrendous.

    Petition: http://www2.crosswinds.net/~fixqt/fixquicktime.html
    Interface Hall of Shame: http://www.iarchitect.com/qtime.htm

I don't think it is worthy of this list to have an in-depth discussion of
the interface, but I thought I'd mention it since I was on the subject.  :)

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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