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Re: [MacPerl] BBEdit 5.1/MacPerl

The BBEdit guys do know.  They say it's MacPerl's problem (a background app
should never put up a modal dialog and hang). Matthias agrees with the

This is just a heads up till we-all get it fixed.

At 15:55 -0500 6/15/99, C++ wrote:
> The BBEdit guys need to know about this. FWIW, there's a simple
> AppleEvent parameter that you can make that will tell MacPerl not to go
> flashing this dialog box, even if the option is enabled. I know this
> because I did it in the SuperMacPerl project I mentioned earlier today.
> -Chilton
>>As a suggestion, for those using BBEdit and MacPerl, I recommend that you
>>_uncheck_ the MacPerl preference "Check for #! line".
>>Otherwise, if you attempt to run (from BBEdit) a MacPerl script that is
>>_missing_ the #! line, things will go away for a very long time.
>>The problem is that MacPerl puts up a dialog (are you sure this is a
>>script? It doesn't look like a script), but BBEdit doesn't get the dialog,
>>and neither do you. BBEdit waits patiently for MacPerl to finish. MacPerl
>>waits patiently for the user. The user waits patiently for BBEdit... and
>>the watch cursor spins.
>>Sometimes I have been able to break out to MacPerl and quit the dialog.
>>Sometimes I haven't. Sometimes I have been able to quit BBEdit. Sometimes
>>Sometimes I've given up and rebooted my Mac :-(
>>When the "Check for #! line" box isn't checked in MacPerl, everything runs
>>Caveat programmer.

-- --
       |\      _,,,---,,_       Vicki Brown <vlb@cfcl.com>
 ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_   Journeyman Sourceror: Scripts & Philtres
      |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'  P.O. Box 1269  San Bruno  CA  94066
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