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Re: [MacPerl] Perl in the workplace

On Wed, Jun 16, 1999 at 09:16:54AM -0400, Richard Gordon wrote:
} At 12:34 +0100 6/16/1999, Adrian Howard wrote:
} >If you can persuade your sysop (or are one) netatalk is also a fine
} >addition on the Unix side since you can then mount unix directories as Mac
} >volumes and avoid all that FTP nonsense :-)
} Altho that would be useful, my understanding is that using netatalk 
} can impose  a big hit on general performance at least with Linux. 
} I've never tried it myself, but a friend of mine used it for a while 
} on his Linux box and finally removed it altogether. Maybe the machine 
} was underpowered to begin with or something, but I lost interest in 
} this because of his experience.

I never noticed anything like this.  I have netatalk running on two
old, slow SPARCstations and the load isn't noticable.  I haven't seen
any complaints specific to Linux on the netatalk list either.  If
there were Linux issues, they've probably been solved either in the
kernel or in netatalk itself.  (One should, of course, be using Adrian
Sun's version of netatalk, for a variety of reasons.)

It's not the kind of thing you want to use much over a dialup, though.
Although things improved a little with OS 8.x and the threaded Finder,
Appletalk (either AFP over TCP/IP or ARA) is dog slow over a dialup.
A little better than NFS, but not much.  Over a dialup, stick with
telnet and ftp.

} Ftp isn't so bad, but does have some practical limitations. If you 
} are editing a large text file on a server via BBEdit's ftp feature, 
} every save involves transferring the entire local temp file back to 
} the server. With a 5 meg file and a pokey dialup connection, that 
} means 20-25 mins. per save, no matter how trivial the edit was. I 
} found it much more efficient to jump into telnet and fire up emacs to 
} work with the file on the server directly. Of course, life doesn't 
} get much stranger than emacs, but I've grown to like it pretty well 
} and it is fast.
} Richard Gordon
} --------------------
} Gordon Consulting & Design
} Database Design/Scripting Languages
} mailto:richard@richardgordon.net
} http://www.richardgordon.net
} 770.565.8267

Paul Schinder

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