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Re: [MacPerl] Re: fork (was: Microsoft funds Perl)

At 17.50 -0400 1999.06.16, Richard Gordon wrote:
>At 16:28 -0400 6/16/1999, Chris Nandor wrote:
>> >Wouldn't all of this stuff become available under OS X without
>> >getting involved in emulation schemes?
>>It already is, in Mac OS X Server and Darwin, and will be there in Mac OS
>>X, too.
>Yes, I understand that, but that isn't what I was talking about. I
>presume that Perl on OS X Server and Darwin is virtually identical to
>Perl on mkLinux and is therefore basically just plain old unix perl.


>What I was talking about was a MacPerl rewrite that would take
>advantage of any OS X specific features that other flavors of unix
>perl don't offer. Otherwise, I agree that since Perl would already
>run under BSD, there's not really anything to rewrite.
>Like what? Well, I don't know exactly, but my guess is that Apple
>will provide some interesting things on the interface side that will
>redress the horrors of present x-windows systems, so maybe there will
>continue to be some distinctively Mac things that you would want to
>be able to access via a real MacOSXPerl? Think hard and figure out a
>way to agree with me so that you and Vicki will be able to do a
>second edition of your book.  ;-]

I cannot think of anything MacPerl-specific I would want in a Unix perl,
aside from the Toolbox modules, which very well might be ported to work
under "Unix" perl in Mac OS X.  MacPerl the app itself doesn't have any
features I would want to keep (that I can think of offhand, anyway).  I do
hope I can run BBEdit under Mac OS X and talk to Unix perl ... now that
would be, well, perfection.  :)

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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