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[MacPerl] Offtopic - Mail filtering for MacPerl multiple list members :-)

At 06:52 -0500 07/14/1999, David Steffen wrote:
>1) I use Eudora, and in 5 minutes I was unable to find the setting to
>delete duplicate messages.

Take 2 more :)

You have three choices -

   1) Go into the Eudora Folder _where the app is_
      Copy the "Esoteric Settings" file from the "Extra Plugins" folder to
      your Eudora mail folder (the one that is in the System Folder.
      Restart Eudora, open settings, scroll down to Really Miscellaneous
      and check "Delete duplicate messages (slow)"
      I've never noticed it to be unacceptably slow.

   2) Pick up a copy of the Eudora SuperSleek Plugin; if you can't find a
      copy on the web I can send one.

   3) Double click the magic URL below (Eudora has some 700 of these
      I can send a copy of the list :-) This works in Pro Eudora 4.2 and


>2) People use different (email) software for a bunch of different reasons.
>Eudora is a(n excellent) commercial product, and I don't think it makes
>sense to  push everyone to one product.

Yes, I know. What I'm saying is, with Eudora (Pro 4.2 at least, dunno about
Lite) you _can_ do this sort of filtering. You can also (I assume) do it
with procmail on any Unix system. (You can do almost anything with
procmail; procmail is free ;-) You can probably do this stuff with
MailSmith, (if you can't,  write to BareBones and request the feature :-)
If you still can't do it, switch mail clients :-)

>I know you are busy, Vicki, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for
>maintaining these lists and so I would never say "you should fix this on
>the sending end", but what I am saying is that fixing the duplicate message
>problem on the sending end is the "right" solution and ought to go on the
>ToDo list.

For one thing, it's Majordomo. I don't hack Majordomo (for several
reasons).  MJ version 2.0 is coming and perhaps this feature will be in it
but I'm not gonna try to shove it into 1.0.  MJ 1.0 is Perl 4 fergawshsakes!

But there's another (bigger) problem with doing this at the list server end
which is, quite frankly:

          I do not think it would be a desirable feature!

I (personally, as a list _member_) LIKE having the duplication because _I_
file my mail into separate mailboxes based on subject. Here's a situation:
   Say a message is cross-posted to both macperl and macperl-webcgi because
   the thread is moving (:-). I don't want the list server to decide to send
   me only one copy, and then make the wrong choice of which copy to send
   (that's an AI problem).

However. I will send a request to the majordomo-users mailing list. Maybe
there is a solution I don't know about.

Till then... there are workarounds :-)

We now return you to Perl.
- Vicki
-- --
       |\      _,,,---,,_       Vicki Brown <vlb@cfcl.com>
 ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_   Journeyman Sourceror: Scripts & Philtres
      |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'  P.O. Box 1269  San Bruno  CA  94066
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