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Re: [MacPerl] MacPerl future, was: README

About Mac Emacs... I only found out that it exists yesterday, but it's been
being worked on for this last year - this is the first I've heard that it
would be coming with OS X though. (Sorry that I'm going offtopic...)  There's
a webpage for Mac Emacs at http://www.csis.hku.hk/~choi/emacs/ - "Mac port of
GNU Emacs 20.4"- that may or may not be the same program that will ship with
OS X- maybe someone could download it and check if it responds well to
different linebreaks though? (I feel like I'm volunteering myself...)
Shouldn't need to wait until OS X ships to do it.

(Offtopic again *ducks* but compared to other language programs- compilers,
etc., and often commercial- that I've used- I rather like the documentation
for MacPerl.  Obviously, everything can be improved, and I've only used it for
limited purposes... and this is just my opinion. Only.)
-Eric Schissel, annoying people 3 ways from Sunday... sorry.

Rich Lafferty wrote:

> Quoting Axel Rose (rose@sj.com) from Sun, Oct 24, 1999 at 11:57:49PM +0200:
> >
> > MacOS X is shipped with two text editors: "TextEdit" and "Emacs 20.x".
> > Forget "TextEdit" - it can only save in RTF format.
> > When opening files with emacs you have to have Unix line breaks.
> This is very unusual -- emacs should understand any of \n, \r,
> and \r\n (unix, mac, windows -- that's "linefeed" \n, not perl) as
> line breaks. If the emacs that comes with OS X doesn't do that, I'd
> recommend building it from pristine sources.

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