>Is there a way to: > >1) Get a list of all currently active fonts >2) Get an ID # for those fonts? use Mac::Fonts; $fontName = "Geneva"; $fontNum = GetFNum $fontName; print "$fontName = $fontNum\n"; __EXIT__ > >Is there a hash or something with them? Thanks! Here's how I do it... #!perl use Mac::Menus; use Mac::Fonts; $fontmenu = NewMenu (200, "xyz"); AppendResMenu ($fontmenu,'FONT'); $items = CountMItems ($fontmenu); for $i (1..$items) { $fontName = GetMenuItemText ($fontmenu, $i); $fontNum = GetFNum $fontName; for ($f=1; length($fontNum)<6; $f++) { $fontNum = " " . $fontNum } $fonts[$i] = "$fontNum = $fontName\n"; } DisposeMenu ($fontmenu); @fontNums = sort(@fonts); $holdNum = $holdName = "-1"; for $f (1..@fontNums) { ($fontNum,$fontName) = split(/ = /,$fontNums[$f]); if($fontNum == $holdNum) { $report .= "DUPLICATE: FONT ID $fontNum = $fontName and $holdName\n"; $duplicates++; } $holdNum = $fontNum; $holdName = $fontName; } print "@fontNums\n\n\n"; if($duplicates > 0) { print "$report\n" } else { print "No duplicate font ids found.\n" } __END__ David Seay http://www.mastercall.com/g-s/ # ===== Want to unsubscribe from this list? # ===== Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to macperl-request@macperl.org