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Re: [MacPerl-Porters] On with the show; Volunteers Wanted!

At 23:33 +0200 5/05/2000, Matthias Neeracher wrote:
>So, my first impression of the new build is that it fulfills its objective:
>Building (at least up to miniperl) now is achievable for somebody with an ftp
>client and some programming experience.

and the ppc and 68K packages. The SC build experiences difficulties with
the Exporter module. Fail.

>Meanwhile, there's a rather tedious task waiting that I'd love to delegate:
>Porting the perl test suite (Groan!). Ideally, a couple of people would split
>up the work between them. Specifically, the following should happen:
>Any volunteers?

Ok - how do you want to do this?

"the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can
suppose" -  Haldane
Larry Moore  Fergus On Canada N1M 1V7 ljmoore@freespace.net

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