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Re: [MacPerl] Glue::Stuck::Help

At 16.08 -0400 1998.09.29, John W Baxter wrote:
>At 10:59 -0400 9/29/98, Chris Nandor wrote:
>>I have been thinking that maybe I should have a Mac::Glue::Dialect::English
>>class to provide these extra hooks.  Any thoughts?
>>Anyway, I ran into something in Netscape Communicator that is interesting.
>>The make event (core\crel) is not listed in the aete, but it _is_ in the
>>aetd resource.  What is the aedt resource?  Anyone seen this before?
>>Should I attempt to parse any available aedt resource, too?  Any other
>>resources I should know about?
>The 'aedt' resource is from one or more of the PowerPlant, MacAPP, and TCL
>application frameworks (I *think* that all three wound up using it...I
>think MacApp was the first:  Navigator uses PowerPlant, I believe...the old
>Mosaic browser used MacApp).
>It maps from event class/event id pairs to internal command numbers (making
>incoming events more like menu commands, which are likewise mapped to
>command numbers).
>The event's presence in the aedt most likely means that the browser
>supports the event.
>'core' 'crel' is make in the English 'aeut'

I see.  So it seems as long as I get the aeut thing going, then I should be
OK to ignore the aedt, unless I want to double-check if the app supports
the given event, which might not be a bad idea for those apps that support
it, but that can wait for version 1.5.  :-)

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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