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[MacPerl] Get AETE

OK, if we want to grab the aete data from extensions and plugins in the
app, the best way is to grab the data with the Get AETE event.

    use Mac::AppleEvents::Simple;
    my $getaete = do_event('ascr', 'gdte', $appid, "'----':0");
    my $aelist = AEGetParamDesc($getaete->{REP}, keyDirectObject);
    foreach (1 .. AECountItems($aelist);
        $aeteHandle = AEGetNthDesc($aelist, $_)->data;
        # do stuff

So now the handle is from the Apple Event instead of actually reading the
resource.  This is how Script Editor does it, I believe.

David, when you are doing your module, could you experiment with
getting the data this way?  There is little else that would need to
be changed, that stuff above is pretty much it.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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